News Code: 101

Public Relations Department’s Interview with Mr. Sa’atian, Esteemed Head of Tender Bids Commission

Head of Tender Bids Commission of Gas Engineering and Development Company:
Instructions Prepared by the Gas Engineering and Development Company’s Tender Bids Commission Are the Most Transparent in the Ministry of Petroleum
Mr. Mohammad Hossein Sa’atian holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial management and a master’s degree in planning management from the Oil Industry University. He was employed by the National Iranian Oil Company in 1986 and starting from 2007, he has been in charge of the Gas Engineering and Development Company’s Tender Bids Commission.


Having more than 10 years of experience with the works of various deals commissions, he has drawn up and implemented the first comprehensive bylaw for tender bids for the National Iranian Oil Company.
Asked about the instructions, Mr. Sa’atian said, “Although previous activities of the Gas Engineering and Development Company’s Tender Bids Commission were not unlawful, due to many ambiguities resulting from complexities of laws and their executive bylaws, we prepared comprehensive instructions by taking advantage of experiences of other companies as well as our capable colleagues in the commission. We also drew on the legal viewpoints of our company and those of the National Iranian Oil Company and the new instructions not only prevent various interpretations of the law, but have also sped up our works and are not the basis of activities of the Tender Bids Commission.”
He underlined the policies adopted by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to support domestic producers, adding, “During the past 3-4 years special attention has been paid to local production of various items needed by the gas industry as a result of technology transfer. Although the cost has been sometimes double the cost of signing contracts with foreign companies, but I believe that this policy should be continued in order to increase abilities of domestic producers and reduce our dependence on other countries.”
Emphasizing on the need to end some monopolies on products which are now produced by a single company, head of the Gas Engineering and Development Company’s Tender Bids Commission expressed hope that through special attention to domestic production, problems will be gradually resolved and all sectors will progress.

Public Relations Department of the Gas Engineering and Development Company

News Code 101

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