News Code: 268

Iran Gas Export Station Equipped with Upgraded Measurement Facilities

TEHRAN (IGEDC) – Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company (IGEDC) has inaugurated and temporarily delivered an export gas station to the operating area 8, following the completion of a project to upgrade the measurement equipment at the Bazargan Gas Export Station. This project enables gas exports and international energy exchanges based on the latest international standards.
Ibrahim Esalati, the project manager of IGEDC, emphasized the strategic importance of updating the equipment at this critical station, stating, "The existing devices at the Bazargan Gas Export Station were installed in the year 2000, doubling the need for updating this equipment."
"As part of the upgraded system, each measurement section has been enhanced from one to four devices, significantly improving measurement accuracy and calculation robustness, thereby preventing disputes between parties," Esalati added.
He further explained, "Exported gas to Turkey must be measured and analyzed accurately for volume and composition to calculate the thermal energy of the gas, serving as the basis for financial transactions with Turkey. Therefore, the high precision of measurement equipment is of paramount importance."
Regarding the necessity of the strategic project, Ali Faeli, the project's responsible official, stated, "If our devices are not accurate, several problems arise. Firstly, while exporting gas to Turkey, if we cannot accurately measure and assess its value, it poses challenges. Secondly, the quality items and purity percentage become crucial, and if they fall outside the agreed-upon range, disputes may arise." 
He highlighted how the station's upgraded and precise measurement systems mitigate such disputes.
Faeli commended the consultative efforts and contributions of contractors in bringing the project to fruition, stating, "IGEDC, in collaboration with the Directorate General of Petroleum Export and Exchange, International Affairs of the National Iranian Gas Company, Gas Transmission Company, National Gas Dispatching, and Area 8 Gas Transmission Operations, successfully inaugurated and temporarily handed over the station to the operator, deserving comprehensive appreciation for their dedication."
The inauguration of the upgraded Bazargan Gas Export Station marks a significant step forward in Iran's efforts to modernize its gas infrastructure and ensure accurate and efficient gas export operations in line with international standards

News Code 268

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