News Code: 267

Soon, the groundwork will be laid for the first Iranian gas project abroad

In a meeting with the Iranian Gas Engineering Association, it was propounded:

According to the public relations report, Reza Noshadi, the CEO of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company, today, Monday, October 3rd, in a meeting with the board members of the Iran Gas Engineering Association, stated: Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company relies on experienced manpower, optimal processes and a coherent structure in the  Project implementation is very agile and professional.

Referring to the rethinking of the instructions for handling project delays and aligning it with the latest guidelines of the day, he explained:Project delays were one of the problems faced by contractors,which there could be possibility of applying tact in the process of handling it.But now, a modern and efficient procedure has been developed, which is not only used in the projects of this company, but is used in the entire oil industry with the notification of the deputy minister of engineering.

Admiring the foresight of the previous generation of the gas industry in transferring the technology of two types of turbocompressors from Eastern and Western Europe to the country, the CEO of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company said:Now, Iran’s progress in the production of turbocompressors has been improved to such an extent that the Iranized model is more efficient than the similar European model.

According to Noshadi, equipping domestically manufactured turbines with HIGH AMBIENT solution capability is another achievement of domestic experts, which prevents the reduction of turbine power in hot weather, especially in the southern climate.

The CEO of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company stated that the management of peak consumption by utilizing the capacity of underground gas storage tanks had been forgotten and was looked at only from an economic point of view: In the matter of storage, we were faced with an economic obstacle, which, with a broad explanation of its importance in the country's industrial and media sepehr, a row in the country's budget was dedicated to this important issue, and now 6 fields are active in this field.

He considered the technical obstacle to be another factor in the failure of storage plans in the past years and referring to the recent achievements of domestic manufacturers in the construction of 350 bar compressors, he said:All stages of designing and manufacturing compressor parts for gas injection in underground layers with a pressure of 350 bar have been completed and this advanced equipment will be ready to be presented to the country’s gas industry in three months.

Regarding the construction of the second phase of the Ilam Gas Refinery, Noushadi emphasized by relying on the power of domestic experts: Although the amount of H2S in the gas of this refinery is six times that of the gas in South Pars, but 76% of its equipment is made in Iran, and the genesis, basic and detailed design studies have been completely done by the talented forces of the country.

According to the CEO of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company, if the macro-political conditions are favorable, soon the first Iranian gas project will be launched abroad in order to create a market and economic workflow for many contractors and manufacturers.

Public Relations of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company

News Code 267

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