News Code: 103

Public Relations Department’s Interview with Mr. Moqimi, Head of Administration at Gas Engineering and Development Company

In an interview with the Public Relations Department, Mr. Moqimi said:
The Present Century Is the Era of Manpower and Manpower Education Is Among the Most Important Pillars of Sustainable Development



Mehdi Moqimi Abyaneh is a graduate of administrative management and has been employed by the National Iranian Gas Company in 1987. Since 2005, he has been working as administrator manager of the National Iranian Gas Company. During the past years he has held various posts as official in charge of welfare and social services, head of the personnel department, in charge of education, and official in charge of administrative affairs.
Mr. Moqimi noted that the concept of human assets in the recent years has been useful in helping strategic orientations of governments and nations in order to achieve strategic developments.
He added, “Fortunately, after formulation of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s 20-Year Vision Plan, special and serious attention has been paid to the concept of human asset and it is a good thing because if we are supposed to be the top state in the region in economic, social and technological terms, we must look on abundant human capacities as a comparative advantage. Development of resources is the main factor for sustainable development so that one can claim that without development of human resources, development would be quite impossible.”
Moqimi further stated that human resources managers were, in fact, strategic aides to senior managers and since knowledge economy is based on competitiveness, knowledgeable and understanding managers are the main factor for progress and productivity because they will increase productivity of human resources and will play an important role in motivating manpower to increase the effectiveness of organizations.
He then talked about the beginning of his work as administration director at the Gas Engineering and Development Company and said, “Immediately after I was assigned to the administration department, I started to formulate an organizational chart for the Gas Engineering and Development Company and in less than four months, with the assistance of my colleagues, I finished it. In 2006, I registered and notified organizational posts and, thereafter, the personnel were relocated in view of their specialties and experience. We also took steps to make up for the shortage of manpower and we hope that all problems in this regard would be solved by the end of the current year.”
Asked about major duties of the ad6ministration department, Mr. Moqimi said that the administration was in charge of setting goals; making policies and decisions about company’s system; making plans; to organize and guide administrative and personnel activities of staff members; to draw up a large-scale strategy for the management of human resources and educating them; provide services to the personnel; provide them with administrative and social services; to regulate labor relations, social work and sports affairs of the Gas Engineering and Development Company; to confirm, approve and issue mandates of staff members and supervise them; and to draw up administrative and personnel reports for presentation to the managing director and board of directors of the company.
As for the number of staff members, Mr. Moqimi said, “The Gas Engineering and Development Company has 691 organizational posts and 570 officially employed personnel with an age average of 47 years comprising 42 women and 507 men. Some 50 of them hold master’s degrees, 247 hold bachelor’s degrees, 102 hold associate degrees and 161 hold high school diplomas.”
He noted that all educational issues of the company are being managed by the administration, saying, “Education is conducted at two general levels within the framework of duties of each department according to viewpoints of their managers. There are also one-day educational events in the form of conferences. The administration continuously thinks about scientific upliftment of the personnel and takes steps accordingly.”
Recalling inauguration of the company’s library in 2006, Mr. Moqimi said, the company’s library constituted one of the most overarching scientific sources related to gas and gas supply across the Ministry of Petroleum.
“The administration has taken a positive step by taking all staff members buy specialized books. In this way, good books have been bought on the book fair during the past and current years, which are useful to the company’s purposes,” he added.
He then explained about updating other issues related to the administration including education and planning, social work and labor relations, sports, as well as administrative and social services and said, “Like previous years, the administration is trying to make double efforts in all fields, so that, our personnel will be content, motivated and lively.”
Public Relations Department of the Gas Engineering and Development Company reported that since the Supreme Leader has announced the current year as the year for correcting consumption pattern, a committee has been formed in the company and it has met regularly. Progress made on many ideas that have been confirmed has been reported at about 20 percent.
Public Relations Department of the Gas Engineering and Development Company

News Code 103

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