News Code: 107

Public Relations Department’s interview with Mr. Abolhosseini

Relationship between Employer and Boss Should Be Honest

He moves slowly, is taciturn, but professional and energetic. Abdolreza Abolhosseini was born in Shiraz in 1963 and holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, heat and fluids major, from the University of Shiraz. He has been employed by the National Iranian Gas Company since June 29, 1985. After going through eight months of crash courses, both theoretical and practical, at the Shiraz Petrochemical Complex, Khangiran and Bidboland refineries, organized by the Education Department of the National Iranian Gas Company, he started his work by supervising implementation of Kangan (Jam) refinery projects. From 1996 up to the present time, he has worked as supervising engineer for gas compression stations projects, senior engineer and project manager, senior mechanical engineer, coordinator of project implementation and, currently, as head of mechanical projects related to gas compression stations of the Gas Engineering and Development Company. He has supervised construction of more than 10 stations and has been in charge of C, EP, and EPC projects related to five gas compression stations. In addition, he has been seating on the committee in charge of updating IPS standards, the committee in charge of qualifying manufacturers and sellers as well as technical and commercial committee.

The following interview is the result of a short meeting with him.

-          Please tell us about your responsibilities!

As you know, the main goal of gas compression stations is to prevent gas pressure fall and achieve the needed capacity. A project manager is in charge of the project from the time it starts to its completion. That is, as soon as a contractor is chosen his work begins and continues with offering solutions and consultations on how to open the line of credit.

-          What problems and limitations are you face with?

Due to the sanctions, we have problems in purchasing foreign goods. However, Iranian specialists have recently taken charge of providing us with engineering, supervision, installation and commissioning services and this has prevented millions of dollars from leaving the country. Of course, there is a recent decision according to which we must purchase most of the needed accessories from domestic manufacturers. Their products should conform to standards, but as it is, this process has reduced our dependence on foreign products.

-          What kind of relationship between an employee and his/her boss will advance the work?

That relationship should be honest. The employee should do their best to do the job and the boss should pay special attention to the employee who does their job in a good manner. It that case, the work would be ideal.

-          What is the role of correcting consumption pattern?

As far as the gas sector is concerned, due to the high cost entailed since one cubic meter of gas is produced through upstream processes as exploration, development, production, and exploitation as well as given the cost of establishing gas treatment facilities and downstream processes at refineries, gas transmission pipelines and gas compression stations, it is the duty for all Iranians to correct their consumption pattern. It should be noted that building a suitable culture will be very helpful in this regard. After institutionalizing that culture, we could hope that all social classes would understand the need to save on energy. Meanwhile, it should be noted that high consumption of energy is not limited to households, but it is also a problem in oil and gas facilities which avail of modern technology, so that, in a paper I wrote, I quoted the esteemed head of the Ministry of Petroleum’s planning department that a daily total of 43 million cu. m. (15 billion cu. m. per year) is burned in our country which is higher than total daily consumption of Turkey, which currently stands at about 34 million cu. m.

Therefore, it is imperative for all officials to take advantage of standards, instructions, and new managerial methods as well as advanced technologies in order to correct the consumption pattern, so that, higher productivity would be translated into lower energy consumption in not-so-far future.

-          In your opinion, do large-scale policies of the country aim to make the most of abilities of domestic specialists for building gas compression stations?

As you know, all executive factors follow the large-scale policies and the National Iranian Gas Company has never been an exception. Therefore, the Gas Engineering and Development Company and all projects devised for the construction of gas compression stations have given priority to taking the highest advantage of the abilities and potentials of domestic companies and contractors. At present, one hundred percent of engineering services, workshop supervision, high supervision, installation and construction of stations are carried out by domestic consultants, specialists and contractors under the supervision of relevant authorities. This has not only kept millions of dollars of foreign exchange in the country, but has sped up a great number of projects with no dependence on foreign sources.

As for purchase and procurement of goods, since I am a member of the committee in charge of qualifying manufacturers and sellers of commodities, I know that the policies of that committee is based on making the most of local manufacturers. Therefore, domestic manufacturers with modern technology will be given priority.

-          What other profession would you follow?


-          How many children do you have?

A daughter studying at the university and a boy who is studying at school.

-          Any further comment?

We must try to begin correction of consumption patter from ourselves.


Public Relations Department of the Gas Engineering and Development Company

News Code 107

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