News Code: 114

Ceremony Held to Introduce New NIGC Managing Director



Based on a report published by the Public Relations Department of the National Iranian Gas Company, during the ceremony, which was held at the central building of the National Iranian Gas Company, Dr. Seyed Massoud Mirkazemi addressed a group of gas industry managers and introduced Mr. Javad Oji as the new managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company.

In that ceremony, Mr. Ramezani was lauded for his endeavors during his tenure as the managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company.

The following is full text of the order issued for Mr. Oji as the managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company:


“Mr. Javad Oji,

Salaam Alaikum,

In view of your qualification, commitment, scientific and practical qualities and valuable experiences, hereby, you are appointed as deputy minister of petroleum and managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company. Due to the important position of the gas industry and its lasting effect on the country’s economic growth and development and people’s livelihood, fulfilling your responsibilities calls for:

1.     Taking advantage of committed, specialized and capable manpower to formulate a large-scale energy plan and raise spirit of teamwork among personnel of the company;

2.     Cooperation in formulating a strategic plan and a comprehensive gas supply plan in order to increase gas treatment capacity and increase share of gas in the country’s energy basket through suitable steps aimed at making gas, as a clean form of energy, available to all people;

3.     Interaction with domestic and foreign investors to fund capital and infrastructural projects;

4.     Correction of energy consumption pattern to reduce wastage of gas in the process of treatment, transmission, and distribution;

5.     Taking advantage of modern technology, special attention to applied researches, and giving priority to domestic manufacture;

6.     Speeding up implementation of storage projects for natural gas;

7.     Doing your best to observe safety and environmental health precautions, protect facilities and transmission lines, and pay special attention to repair and maintenance by taking advantage of modern technology and optimal use of facilities and equipment.

Therefore, I expect you to work with other organizations for taking the most effective advantage of available resources, promote value chain in development projects, and disseminate necessary information for the public in preparation for the implementation of subsidies reallocation plan.

I wish you increasing success in the light of (the Absent Imam) Hazrat Vali Asr’s (AS) favors and through guidance of the Almighty God.”


Seyed Massoud Mirkazemi




Background and personal specifications of new managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company:

Name and Surname: Javad Oji

Birthplace: Shiraz

Education: Graduate of petroleum engineering from Ahvaz Oil Industry University in 1990

Occupational background in petroleum industry: 19.5 years


Posts held in petroleum industry:

-          Expert at Petroleum Engineering Department of the National Iranian South Oil Company in Ahvaz;

-          Senior expert at Oil Reserves Appraisal Department of the National Iranian South Oil Company in Ahvaz;

-          Head of Petrophysical Engineering Department of the National Iranian Central Oil Company;

-          Head of Petroleum Engineering Department of South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company;

-          Member of board of directors; South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company;

-          Deputy director of Technical Affairs Department of South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company;

-          Exemplary employee of the National Iranian Gas Company in 2002;

-          Senior exemplary managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company in 2007;

-          Managing director of South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company from 2004 up to now.



1.     South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company is the biggest company for gas extraction which yields 260 million cu. m. per day of natural gas and 80,000 barrels of gas condensate. At present it is supplying 51 percent of the country’s needed gas and also feeds Fajr Jam, Parsian, and Sarkhoun gas refineries.

2.     South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company is in charge of gas production from 10 big onshore gas fields located in Fars, Bushehr and Hormuzgan provinces. The gas fields include Nar, Kangan, Aghar, Dalan, Shanol, Homa, Tabnak, Qeshm, and Sarkhoun;

3.     South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company, which is the biggest natural gas production from onshore gas fields in southwest Iran, is currently producing 260 million cubic meters of gas per day in addition to 80,000 barrels per day of gas condensate;

4.     The company has 188 gas wells plus Farashband gas refinery which can treat 42 million cu. m. of gas per day, 22 gas collection and separation centers, and 8,000 km of gas transmission pipelines in different sizes (from 3” to 48”);

5.     South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company supplied up to 62 percent of the country’s gas in 2005 and 2006. After various phases of South Pars gas field were made operational, the company is supplying 51-52 percent of the country’s needed gas;

6.     South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company obtained a plaque as green industry from the Department of Environment in 2009;

7.     There are about 2,000 organizational posts in the company in addition to 3,500 other employees.


Research activities

-          Active member of the first expert group conducting studies on the Iranian reserves in 1991; studies were conducted on Kerenj and Maroun fields which were operated by the National Iranian South Oil Company in Ahvaz;

-          Conducting studies on and proving possibility of production from Dashtak layer; production from the layer in southwest gas fields to the amount of 50 million cu. ft. per day, which greatly increased overall gas output of the country.

During the meeting, Seyed Massoud Mirkazemi lauded services of Azizollah Ramezani. The text of his letter to Ramezani follows:


Mr. Azizollah Ramezani,

Salaam Alaikum,

I deem it incumbent on me to sincerely thank you for your valuable services and hard work during your time as “deputy minister and managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company.”

I hope you would be serving the sacred government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in another front.

I wish you increasing success from the Almighty God.


Seyed Massoud Mirkazemi


Public Relations Department of Gas Engineering and Development Company


News Code 114

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