News Code: 115

interview with Mr.Faghihi


Facilities Should Be Used According to Needs


Mohammad Taghi Faghihi was born in Natanz in 1955 and graduated from physics course of University of Kashan in 1979.

Due to his interest in teaching, he started as a part-time teacher during academic studies. After graduation, he was employed by the National Iranian Gas Company in 1984 and was appointed head of the Contracts Department of Gas Engineering and Development Company in 2007.

Since his employment by the Gas Engineering and Development Company he has worked at the Contracts Department in various posts, including engineer in charge of contracts, first engineer, senior engineer for conclusion of contracts and measurement of amounts, head of legal affairs of contracts, member and secretary of transactions commission and secretary of board of directors at Yazd Province Gas Company.

In his interview, he talked about the pleasure of serving the people and noted, “The more a job is effective, the more those who do it will be spirited and satisfied. Even a lot of work does not make me tired and I hope I would remain effective in my job.”

As for his field of activity, Faghihi notes, “The Contracts Department is in charge of organizing tender bid formalities according to relevant laws, selecting contractors and consultants at affordable price, formulating contract documents and, in general, meeting the needs which are met by contract units. We are also in charge of selecting contractors. Also, according to a directive issued by management of the company, the department is in charge of going through tender bid documents prepared by project manages, compare them to similar documents in the Ministry of Petroleum, attend to final statement, and also see into claims of contractors or consultants.”




As to the relationship among colleagues, Faghihi said that relations between a manger and his staff should be like relations in a family.

“These relations should be such that all employees would look at others like their family members, so that, if a group or a person makes a mistake, others should try to show them the right way. I believe that a relationship based on this will motivate people to do their jobs in a better way,” he said.

He added that saving means correct utilization of resources and when it comes to contracts which should be realized by preparing a practical plan that covers resources and predict problems and come up with solutions for those problems in order to prevent wastage of resources.

Faghihi also described his predecessor, Mr. Hosseini Yazdi, an effective person which played a key role in the Contracts Department of the Gas Engineering and Development Company and who has been influential in formulation of new regulations.

Asked if he liked another job, he said, “Every job which serves people is valuable and if I had not come to the National Iranian Gas Company, I would have worked as  a teacher and due to my interest in teaching, I would have been effective in that job.”


Public Relations Department of Gas Engineering and Development Company



News Code 115

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