News Code: 119

interview with Mr hossaini



Three Important Factors Correct Consumption Pattern


Mohammad Hosseini was born in Tehran on March 22, 1955. He has two daughters and one son and returned to Iran in 1981 after getting a bachelor’s degree in road and construction from the University of Philippines. He worked with the former Plan and Budget Organization as communications expert for one year and continued for seven months with a private company. Then, he worked for a whole year at the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation. He was employed by the National Iranian Gas Company on December 4, 1984 and was appointed to the contracts department of the company as appraising engineer. After a while he was appointed head of the said department. His track records include official in charge of the old second pipeline and the new third pipeline for three years; in charge of gas transmission pipeline known as Azarbaijan project; in charge of commissioning gas gauging station of Bazargan in order to start gas exports to Turkey; in charge of launching gas transmission pipeline to Jolfa which is fed by the 30” Tabriz-Bazargan pipeline; in charge of 30” and 36” pipelines running from Ahvaz to Abadan and Khorramshahr; and in charge of 30” Tabriz-Armenia gas pipeline.




Q: Please explain about your work as official in charge of Pataveh 4 gas compression station.

A: At present, tender bid documents for Pataveh 4 station have been distributed and technically evaluated and the contractor will be selected in a month.

Q: How consumption pattern in your work can be corrected?

A: The Gas Engineering and Development Company established a seven-person committee in June 2009. I am a member of the committee and we have weekly meetings to offer mechanisms for realization of this goal. Major topics have been determined but they have not been notified to subsidiary companies yet.

One of the most important factors which helps correction of consumption pattern is value engineering. It is an important parameter which can reduce the cost of projects by, at least, 20-30 percent.

Another factor is timely supply of budget for construction of gas transmission projects which will prevent long delays in the implementation of projects. At present, some gas pipeline projects are facing this problem.

Timely presentation of financial statements of contractors is another factor. Contractors are usually short of needed funds and if they face problems on payments by us, this would reduce quality of work and delay implementation.

On-time procurement of goods either by client or contractor is another factor which will speed up projects.

Q: How should be the relationship between a manager and his staff so as to facilitate work?

A: I think it should be a two-way friendly relationship and a sense of brotherhood should exist between superiors and subordinates. This is a secret of success. Mr. Lorzadeh, former head of this department, had adopted a policy to establish that kind of rapport among the staff members which is exemplar for other departments. He maintained that before being a boss, a good boss should be friend of his subordinates, so that, they would wholeheartedly work for him and do their best.

Honesty is another issue which is of high importance to establishment of a friendly relationship. In the absence of honesty, no staff member can trust his/her boss and share their problems.

Another factor is to valuate staff members. If they are allowed to express their opinions in that case, the gap between the boss and subordinates would narrow and everybody would try to do the job in the best possible manner.

Q: Would you share a memory of your work with us?

A: When I was in charge of the second gas trunkline, there was a village called Dorahan near Yasouj. I went there to acquire land, but one of the locals had instigated others and when we got there, I saw young villagers holding stones and ready to attack us. Although I was somehow scared, I decided not to lose ground to them. I went forward and said, “I am here to serve and I am afraid of nobody. Now, if anybody is courageous enough, step forward!” After a few seconds, the same man who had instigated the others, let go of the stone and came to me saying, “Nobody is going to hurl stone at you Mr. Engineer.” This changed the whole atmosphere and I did my job by afternoon. They saw me off in a respectful manner.

Q: What is your favorite sport?

A: Swimming.

Q: Any last words?

A: Let’s pray for God to help us do our job in the best way.


Public Relations Department of Gas Engineering and Development Company


News Code 119

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