News Code: 127

Ceremonies Held to Commemorate 31st Anniversary of Victory of Islamic Revolution of Iran in Presence of Hojatoleslam Abu Torabi-Fard, Vice-Speaker of Islamic Consultative Assembly

A commemoration ceremony was held on Saturday 6 February 2010 in the presence of Hojatoleslam Abu Torabi-Fard, Vice-Speaker of Majlis; Hojatoleslam Seyed Javad Sadeqzadeh, Deputy of the Headquarters for Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil at offices and factories; and Alirez Gharibi, Managing Director of Gas Engineering and Development Company of Iran. Members of board of directors, chiefs and executives of projects, staff and a number of guests were also among the participants, the Public Relations Office of the company reported.

The ceremony started with opening remarks made by Alireza Gharibi about the Ten-Day Dawn and victory of the Islamic Revolution, projects completed and inaugurated and, projects under completion.

Later, the international choir band performed some pieces.

Hojatoleslam Sadeqzadeh delivered an eloquent speech about victory of the Islamic Revolution.

Also speaking at the ceremony, Hojatoleslam Abu Torabi-Fard elaborated on the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and at the end of the session plaques of honor and gifts by the company’s managing director were given to three groups of active workers of Prayers Headquarters, Committee on Honoring General Public and active members of Basij forces.

In the course of the ceremony a written competition was held among the audience and the Public Relations Office is to present gifts to 12 winners who will be selected by ballot.


Public Relations Office of Gas Engineering and Development Company of Iran


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News Code 127

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