News Code: 192

Engineer Alireza Gharibi visited the projects to replace first and second nationwide gas supply trunk lines



According to a report issued by the Public Relations Department of Gas Engineering and Development Company, Engineer Alireza Gharibi, the Managing Director of IGEDC accompanied by Engineer Gharavi, advisor to the Managing Director of the National Iranian Gas Company and an accompanying delegation, visited the projects to replace first and second nationwide gas supply trunk lines, on Monday and Tuesday (Sept. 12 & 13, 2011).

On the first day of the inspection tour, the gas transfer project executive Engineer Salmani accompanied by the project contractor and consultant, presented a report on the progress made for replacing the 2nd countrywide gas transfer line (Kangan – Farashband).

The features of the project are as follows:

The replacement project is part of the 56 inch 2nd countrywide trunk line with a total length of 60 km in two separate parts. The first part has a length of 39 km located between km 24 to km 36 of the 2nd countrywide gas supply line which is mainly mountainous and sloppy. The second part with a length of 21 km is being built within the distance of 160 km and 181 km.

On the second day of the inspection tour, Engineer Gharibi and the accompanying delegation visited the project to replace parts of the 1st countrywide gas transfer line with a length of 30 km between Pataveh and Pol Kaleh (from km 157 to km 187). During the tour, Engineer Kavianipor, the project executive accompanied by the project contractor and consultant present a report on the latest situation of the project.

In view of the urgency and significance of the said projects Engineer Gharibi in the course of the inspection tour underlined the need for completion of the construction operations and preparing the projects for commissioning. He also stressed that HSE standards must be observed by the contractors and the supervisory officials.


Public Relations Department of Gas Engineering and Development Company


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News Code 192

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