News Code: 213

5,000 km of High Pressure Gas Pipeline Operational by End of 5th Plan

Managing Director of Iran’s Gas Engineering and Development Company, Alireza Gharibi, reported on operation of 5,000 km of pipeline and launching of 40 gas compressor units by the end of the Fifth Development Plan.

According to Shana, Gharibi was speaking at a press conference on the last day of the International Oil, Gas, Refining and Petrochemicals Exhibition. He said out of the 40 gas compressor facility units 19 are in priority and 21 others would enter the circuit gradually.

He said in the 4th Development Plan, 7,000 km of gas transfer pipeline and 36 gas compressor facilities were launched and put into operation.

Stressing that by the end of the Fifth Development Plan gas production in Iran would amount to 1.400 billion cubic meters per day, he said efforts should be made to make the infrastructure, either pipeline or facilities for gas compressors, ready for transfer of gas at the scheduled time.

Gharibi said that the most important need and challenge ahead for the implementation of the plans is financing, adding that according to estimates 68,000 billion rials of financial resources would be needed in the current year which is expected to be put at the disposal of the company for implementation of plans.

He also put the estimated funding for implementation of the plans in the past year at the same amount (68,000 billion rials) and said out of the figure only 38,000 billion rials was realized.

Commenting on the implementation of some gas transfer pipelines, including the nationwide 6th, 7th and 11th trunk lines, Gharibi said continuation of the sixth pipeline and completion of the plan is among priorities of the Gas Engineering and Development Company which is under implementation with 30% progress. He said efforts are underway to fully complete the plan by 1393 (March 2014 – March 2015).

As for continuation of the 7th pipeline he said the pipeline with a length of 907 km is to provide gas to Sistan andBaluchestan Province with an aim of gas exports.

Gharibi said the nationwide 7th pipeline has been fully completed within the country and its continuation from Iranshahr to Pakistan is seriously pursued.

He said the trend of work on the 7th pipeline is desirable and Iranian gas would reach Pakistan by 2014.

Managing Director of Gas Engineering and Development Company of Iran said implementation of the 11th pipeline, with a length of 1200 km and a diameter of 56 inches has been communicated to the company.
News Code 213

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