News Code: 238

Big step of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company with the implementation of gas storage development

According to the public relations report, the handover ceremony of Khangiran field gas storage development project (Shourijeh D reservoir) by Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company to Mapna Group was held with the presence of Reza Noshadi, Chairman and CEO of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company Abbas Aliabadi, CEO of Mapna Group, a group of managers of the National Iranian Gas Company, Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company, Mapna Group and members of the media was held in the conference hall of Shahid Bahonar, the central building of the National Iranian Gas Company.


Reza Noshadi, Chairman and CEO of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company, stated at the ceremony that with the efforts of engineers, specialists and technicians in the gas industry, the country's gas production has increased from 7 million cubic meters to 870 million cubic meters per day: Today Execution of 1870 km of high pressure pipelines simultaneously is on the agenda of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company and the number of gas pressure boosting stations that are being constructed simultaneously has doubled, which is a unique record.


He also announced the implementation of several major refinery projects and dispatching projects in the field of gas supply in the country and specified: "Today, the country's gas industry is at a respectable peak and is in full swing, and has targeted climbing other high peaks."


The CEO of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company explained about the implementation of the contract for gas storage project in Khangiran field - Shourijeh D reservoir: With this contract, the National Iranian Gas Company has taken over the management of the reservoir for the first time in order to integrate the value chain and beyond. The reservoir will be outsourced through a contract, and with the implementation of this project, the storage capacity of Shourijeh, which is currently 20 million cubic meters per day, will be increased to 40 million cubic meters, and the storage capacity will be 4.5 billion cubic meters instead of 2.25 billion cubic meters per year.


Noshadi about other actions of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company in the development of storage tanks in the country said: "Soon the development of Sarajeh Qom 2 field will begin and also for the first time in the National Iranian Gas Company development of Mokhtar, Ghezel Tappeh and Bankoul gas fields. It is done that some of these fields are now in the stage of studies and construction of evaluation wells, and for others, a development plan is being developed."


The CEO of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company added: "One of the measures taken for the first time in the country is gas storage in Kashan salt dome and also Yurtsha near Varamin. The hard-working colleagues of this company will soon start the executive operations of these two fields."


Noshadi said that despite the wide range of work, the company will be very selective and hard-working in implementing projects: "We have passed the days of rich oil revenues and we are facing special conditions that require special care in the implementation of the project."


He also referred to the recent achievements of the country's research and development collections in the field of mini-LNG and the favorable space for project implementation in this area and explained: Before implementing mini-LNG projects, it must be ensured that the implementation of such a project Leads to the efficiency of a piece of the country's energy puzzle in the production cycle of operation or storage.


The project is done using internal capacities and at the right time.


Also at the ceremony, Abbas Aliabadi, CEO of Mapna Group, explained the need for energy optimization: "Despite the impact and importance of the energy sector in the economy and people's lives and the country's high energy capacity, we are facing problems in this area."


The CEO of Mapna Group, stating that we have performed well in the field of energy in some areas, noted: In the consumption sector, we do not pay attention to the importance and value of this strategic commodity, and as a result of excessive consumption, we try to increase production.


He continued: "It is time to address the issue of excessive consumption at the national level and to think of a solution to the problem of energy imbalance, because the intensity of Iran's energy is much higher than international custom."


Aliabadi, appreciating the trust of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company in handing over the implementation of this project to Mapna Group, said: "We are proud that Mapna Group has been trusted by Gas Engineering and Development Company and has been selected to carry out this important project. As far as possible, we will try to complete the project using internal capacities and in a timely manner."


He called the importance of storage for the future of the country very important and added: "Today we should be concerned about the intensity of gas consumption and supply of this energy, especially in winter, and information and warnings of the National Gas Company for consumption management confirms the importance of the issue."


He called the importance of storage for the future of the country very important and added: "Today we should be concerned about the intensity of gas consumption and supply of this energy, especially in winter, and information and warnings of the National Gas Company for consumption management confirms the importance of the issue."


The CEO of Mapna Group described the implementation of this project as a step towards eliminating the imbalance in gas production and consumption and said: "With the implementation of this project, gas is stored at times when there is capacity to produce from underground gas reserves to meet subscribers' needs at Peak consumption to be used."

Public Relations of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company

News Code 238

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