News Code: 240

The first section of the gas pipeline "Mohammadieh Qom - Parchin" will be inaugurated soon

The first section of the gas pipeline "Mohammadieh Qom - Parchin" will be put into operation in the near future as one of the strategic and priority projects of the National Iranian Gas Company.


According to the public relations report, Mohammad Hadi Omidi, in charge of the 56-inch Mohammadieh Qom-Parchin (Tehran) gas transmission pipeline project, explained the advantages and achievements of the project and said: "This project is aimed at maintaining a more stable gas network in Tehran, North and The northeast of the country was put on the agenda and was designed and contracted in the form of two parts with a length of 130 km and EPC method, the first part of which is now 71.5 km long.


Increasing the stability of the North-Northeast gas network


He stated that the implementation of the project "Mohammadieh Qom - Parchin" will increase the resilience of the network of Tehran province and the north-northeastern provinces of the country, said: This pipeline and its tributaries have been designed and implemented in addition to Increase the capacity, if the network needs and conditions require, to act as a strategic reserve to strengthen the fifth pipeline of Tehran.


Omidi added: "Currently, there are many industries in the east of Tehran province and the north-northeastern regions of the country that are fed by the existing pipeline, and with the addition of the Mohammadieh Qom-Parchin pipeline, in addition to solving the pressure drop, we can rely on the potentials created." Through the new pipeline, it supplies gas to factories and industries, causing prosperity, employment and industrial activities.


A project with 100% reliance on internal capacity


Mohammad Hadi Omidi, in charge of Mohammadieh Qom-Parchin project, explained in this regard: Relying on the ability of a capable domestic consultant and contractor in carrying out the "Mohammadieh Qom-Parchin" project and utilizing the capacities of capable builders of pipe, valve and other items factories This project should be implemented 100% domestic and completely Iranian, and during its implementation, jobs should be created for various forces in related industries.


Utilization of aerial mapping in designing the project "Mohammadieh Qom - Parchin" for the first time at the level of National Gas Company


Explaining the achievements of aerial mapping in this project, the head of the Mohammadieh Qom-Parchin project stated: Aerial mapping caused the process which normally took between 6 to 7 months, to be completed in 2 weeks. By using this method, we have a high-quality scan with a high resolution image of the project path, which is very useful in execution, and instead of visiting the project site in person, these photos can be used.

The quality of the aerial photography is such that the smallest features are captured in it, thus providing the best route for the project. If the barriers to obtaining licenses and cooperation of relevant institutions are removed, this successful experience can be extended to other projects in the gas industry to see a significant improvement in time, cost and quality of the routing process.


Fruitful and brilliant record of designing other main and sub-pipelines in using technological methods


Omidi, referring to the swampy part of the project route and providing a technological solution to overcome this obstacle, said: In a part of the project route "Mohammadieh Qom-Parchin" and in order to cross the salt lake of Hoz Sultan, (Marah Wetland) to strengthen the bed The combination of geogrid and geotextile was used, which resulted in high savings in the discussion of routing, while in the past, traditional methods were used in swampy routes, and despite spending large sums, due to lack of strength, after a while, the route The construction was destroyed and led to the repetition of operations in order to allow traffic during operation.


He continued: "Geogrid materials help to reinforce the soil so that the soil is stronger and the construction machinery of the project can move on it." Routing using geogrid structures was done for the first time in the Damavand project and in the design of other main and sub-pipelines, and was a valuable experience for use in other projects.


If new technology and technological solutions were not used, the operator would have to revitalize the route every two or three years, but now, with this innovative method, there is no need to revitalize the route in swampy environments.


Record in project contracting


The head of Mohammadieh Qom-Parchin project mentioned another highlight of this project, the completion of preparing its basic design documents in 5 months and added: in general, the contracting and obtaining the environmental permit was completed in about a year, which is a kind of It is a record. This success came at a time when obtaining an environmental permit is a time-consuming process, and postponing it until after the start of operations could cause problems for the project.


Fast supply and delivery of goods to the project site


He pointed out the importance of timely supply of goods in launching the project according to the schedule: considering the necessary arrangements for timely supply of 56-inch LBV pipes and valves and the employer's commitment to provide these strategic items, was one of the factors that caused the project Reach for operation within the specified time. The employer's foresight in ordering these items in a timely manner enabled the contractor, after selecting and entering the execution phase, to use the available goods, in accordance with the plan and at an acceptable time, to operate the project.


Public Relations of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company

News Code 240

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