News Code: 241

Growth and prosperity of industries in the second largest city of Hormozgan

According to public relations reports, a field visit hosted by Hossein Salimi, the executor of the sixth national gas transmission pipeline project, CEO of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company, and the accompanying delegation (Wednesday, January 13) from the first phase of the 42-inch Minab-Sirik-Jask pipeline.


In this visit, the executor of the sixth national gas pipeline project stated that the purpose of implementing the Minab-Sirik project is to supply gas to the industries of the region as well as the cities of Minab (the second largest city of Hormozgan) and the villages of these regions.


Gas supply to steel plants, petrochemicals and power plants


Salimi stated that the first phase of the construction project of "Minab-Sirik-Jask" pipeline is branched from 475 km of the seventh national gas pipeline. He described the implementation of this project and added: "By providing sustainable food for the industries of the region, the production of industrial units will increase and specialized and local forces will be employed in these industries. It brings to the inhabitants of this land.


He added: "The construction of a 42-inch gas transmission line is an effective step in the implementation of development policies and elimination of deprivation from this region of the country."


Salimi explained the background of this project: The main and final goal of this project was to export gas to Oman through the Minab-Sirik-Jask route. Currently, the first phase of this project (Minab-Sirik) is on the agenda and the implementation stages It has made acceptable progress.


The executor of the sixth national gas pipeline project stated that the length of "Minab-Sirik" range is 120 km and "Sirik-Jask" range is 80 km and continued: In this project, there are four way stations, two launchers and receivers, two cathodic protection stations.


He considered the employer's commitment to provide the main items as one of the effective factors in the acceptable progress of the project and said: using the power of consultants, contractors, builders and capable domestic producers in this project has created jobs for young and talented domestic engineers. Has accompanied the industry during the implementation of the project.


Public Relations of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company

News Code 241

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