News Code: 246

The Development Train Reached the Strategic Cities of Southeastern of Iran

At the same time of Government Week, the Zahedan-Zabol gas transmission line project was opened by order of Javad Oji, Minister of Petroleum.
In this way, Zabol, as one of the strategic cities in the east of Iran and one of the important and industrial points in the north of Sistan and Baluchistan province, was gasificated.
According to the public relations report, Samad Rahimi, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company, during the commissioning ceremony of the gas supply projects of this Week, which was held in the presence of the Minister of Petroleum and via video conference at the opening of this project at Zabol CGS station, said: this company is determined to distribute natural gas facilities in the province of Sistan and Baluchistan.
He added: people and industries access to clean energy, provided the field for the flourishing rich talents in this vast geography.
He continued: In this regard, one of the cities that has been prioritized by the Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company is Zabol, which is considered as one of the most important and large areas of the province from a strategic point of view and many villages are located around it, which now with gas supply to Zabol, the possibility of gas supply to these villages has also been provided.
Rahimi explained about the "Zahedan-Dorahi Dashtak-Zabol" gas transmission line project: The gas supply route to Zabol city starts from Zahedan city and delivers gas to Zabol in two separate areas; The first section (Zahedan-Dorahi Dashtak) is 109 km which benefit the under construction power plant in Zahedan, the cement factory of Zabol and the towns along the route, from gas.
The Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company continued: With the end of the first section in Dashtak area, the second section (Dashtak-Zabul junction) is located with a length of 110 km, which on its way, feeds the industrial city of Ramshar and finally reaches the city of Zabol, which has a high population density.
He stated: The first and second sections of the "Zahedan-Dorahi Dashtak-Zabul" gas transmission line project have been implemented by two separate contractors in the form of two contracts, which s accelerated the implementation process and made more use of the capacity of capable domestic contractors.
Pointing out that all the auxiliary facilities of both ranges, including the launcher and receiver, the catodic protection system and the inter-rail valves, have also been completed, he said: CGS station Installation in Zabol caused the possibility of supplying the required gas of this city according to the technical specifications, when gas reaches Zabol through the mentioned pipeline.
Public Relations of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company
News Code 246

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