News Code: 247

The New Generation of Turbo- Compressors is Internalized (Localization)

In continuing to support knowledge-based companies, Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company, considers trust in domestic manufacturers to be an essential element in the localization of strategic equipment and by planning and implementing targeted programs, he is determined to internalize the equipment needed in the Shourijeh D project.
Saeid Rajabzadeh, the manager of the natural gas storage development project in Shourijeh D field, explained the details of the implementation of this project and said: Drilling 28 new wells in a field measuring 35 x 13 km, with the construction of wellhead facilities, well drilling, gas collection and distribution center, separation, gas compressor units, gas dehumidification, stabilization of gas condensate and gas storage and … are some of the actions taken in the upstream sector, which will be carried out.
He continued: In 8 hot months of the year, injection will be done and in 4 cold months of the year, harvesting from this reservoir will be done; Currently, in the hot months of the year, an average of 10 million cubic meters are injected into this reservoir daily, which will increase to 20 million cubic meters during the development phase.
Rajabzadeh said: Currently, during the cold seasons, 20 million cubic meters are harvested daily from this reservoir, which will increase to 40 million cubic meters per day during the development phase.
By saying that in the storage process, production overflow is used in the hot seasons of the year, He explained: Since the production of reservoirs does not change in the hot seasons of the year and at the same time during this period, due to hot weather, the consumption decreases significantly, we can store this amount of gas in underground reservoirs that have good potential in terms of geotechnical structures and geology.
Northeast of the country; First priority for storage
According to Rajabzadeh, storage has double importance in areas such as northeast of the country, which are located at the end of flow lines and production branches and by storing in these areas, we will be able to harvest and consume from the reserves in the cold seasons when these areas may face gas supply problems.
By stating that the development of storage tanks can be beneficial for the country not only to being used in exports, but in imports too, the executive of the Shourijeh project pointed out the possibility of supplying a part of the required storage capacity through imports and reminded: If we want to talk about the Sarakhs region, the use of this capacity will be in such a way that gas is imported from the neighboring country (Turkmenistan) and stored to compensate for the shortage during peak consumption.
Comprehensive support for knowledge-based companies and technological capacities of the country
Referring to the all-round support of the Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company to country's knowledge-based companies and technological capacities, Rajabzadeh said: Three Ukrainian turbo-compressors have been used in the first phase of Shaurije field, but in the development phase, we intend to localize the three required machines and build these turbo-compressors in the country by relying on domestic technical-industrial capacities.
By stating that advanced compressors are used in this project, which have not been produced in such a volume in the country, he clarified:  If the plans are realized and the construction is successful, the country will not need to import this sensitive and advanced equipment in future projects.   
Rajabzadeh said at the end: The Shourijeh D project is the leading storage project in the country, which is carried out with B.O.T and a credit amounting to 611 million euros; its implementation period will be three years and the cost return period to the contractor will be 20 years.
Public Relations of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company
News Code 247

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