News Code: 249

Tehran, Caracas Keen on Developing Gas Relations

The CEO of Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company and the Vice President of Venezuela Oil Company in gas affairs met and discussed cooperation in the field of gas and equipment supply.
During the Tuesday meeting, Reza Noshadi from Iran, told Juan Santana that there are very good relations between Iran and Venezuela, emphasizing the need to operationalize the items agreed in the previous negotiations.
“Iranian companies manufacture the most complex equipment with the best quality and according to the latest international standards,” he said.
He continued: Relying on these potentialities, 10 gas pressure boosting stations and 7 storage plans are being implemented at the same time, which is a unique record.
The CEO of Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company further said: “This company, by relying on its brilliant background, is regarded as the largest developer of gas projects in the world, and is capable of implementing operational plans abroad and is interested in designing and supplying goods and implementing overseas projects in line with the latest standards.”
Juan Santana, Vice President of Venezuela Oil Company for gas affairs, also expressed his satisfaction with his trip to Tehran, and announced his country's plan to open a joint cooperation office in Iran.
“Venezuela is interested in exploiting Iran's experiences in LNG production projects, gas liquefaction, construction of gas pressure boosting facilities, gas refineries and pipeline,” he said.
Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company, on behalf of National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), has recently signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Venezuela.
Public Relations of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company
News Code 249

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