News Code: 251

The Gas Development Train Reached the Eastern Borders of Iran

​The operation ceremony and the start of executive operations of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company (IGEDC) projects in Sistan and Baluchistan province were held on Thursday, November 3, in Saravan and Khash, in the presence of Deputy Minister of Petroleum in gas affairs.

With the inauguration of large gas supply projects in the vast province of Sistan and Baluchistan, the voice of development and progress echoed in this land full of pure capacities and people and industries of the region’s benefit from clean and affordable energy, has become the reason for flourishing of rich talents of patient and kind people of the southeast of the country.

Reza Noshadi, the CEO of IGEDC, explained the plans of this company in this region in this ceremony and said: Today, the whole of this vast province has become a large operational workshop and the company's colleagues have brought their years of operational and executive experience and knowledge to the stage in order to bring to fruition useful and value-creating gas projects and to establish a strong and stable main development infrastructure by providing access to gas for everyone.

Explaining the history of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company's actions for the development of clean energy in the youngest province of the country, he pointed out the branching of seventh gas pipeline (Asaluiyeh-Iranshahr) to supply gas to "Zahedan" in the past years and explained: After the great success of this company in launching the "Iranshahr-Zahedan" gas pipeline project with a length of 262 kilometers and 36 inches, the last provincial capital of the country was connected to the gas network, so, now IGEDC ‘s soldiers, proud of the victory in this dangerous field, have set off to the north of this vast province and are working hard to fulfill the new mission of delivering gas to the strategic and populated city of Zabol.

Stated that the "Zahedan-Zabol" pipeline was put into operation in September this year, with a length of 219 kilometers and two widths of 24 and 36 inches, The CEO of IGEDC noted: The city of Zabol, Zahedan power plant under construction, Zabol cement factory, Ramshar industrial city and the cities located on the route will benefit from the blessing of gas through this strategic project.

Emphasizing that the year 1401 was called Sistan and Baluchistan in the discourse of the gas industry, and our colleagues have mobilized all their resources in IGEDC for the prosperity and development of the youngest province of the country, Noshadi said: we (the company) proud to be in line with land development plans in industrial and commercial boom of southeast and development of country's only ocean port and with implementation of gas pipeline project "Iranshahr - Chabahar - Konarak" in four areas of 290 kilometers long, in addition to supply the gas to Chabahar and Konarak, also will supply the power plants of these two cities, the cities and villages located on the route, as well as the gas needed by petrochemical industries and the industrial city located in Makran industries.

Noting about the opening of the Iranshahr-Palizan-Khash-Mirjaveh gas pipeline project, he added: This pipeline, with an investment of 850 billion tomans, passing through the slopes of Taftan mountain, will deliver gas to Khash city, the cement factory of this city and then, to the border city of Mirjaveh in the east of the province and God willing, this development, along with development of other infrastructures and inherent capacities of this region, will be the main source of progress in cooperation with the neighbors.

Public Relations of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company

News Code 251

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