News Code: 27

Visit by governor general and media persons of Semnan province to north and northeast pipeline

According to Public Relations Department of the Gas Engineering and Development Company, on Tuesday, January 27, 2009, north and northeast gas pipeline project was inspected along 68 km of its length from Parchin to Semnan where the gas pipeline intersects with the railroad and Garmsar River by Mr. Abdollahi, governor general of Semnan province and his deputies, managing director of Semnan Province Gas Company, Haqiqat Hosseini; Mr. Sahba, official in charge of the project and a group of reporters from various media.
During the visit, the governor general of Semnan and his deputies as well as media representatives inspected the pipeline and were given adequate information by officials in charge of the project. The reporters also asked questions about the course of the project and its management staff.
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Public Relations Department of Gas Engineering and Development Company

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News Code 27

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