News Code: 73

Commissioning of gas compression station in Takab

To make the most of the capacity of high-pressure gas pipelines and to boost productivity in consumption points in view of increased demand in Azarbaijan region in the wintertime, the National Iranian Gas Company has approved construction of Takab compression station by its board of directors in order to increase gas supply to that region and has notified the Gas Engineering and Development Company to implement the project.
The emergency gas compression station in Takab is located 244 km from Hamedan – Miyandoab gas pipeline which is of high importance to compensating pressure falls in the region.

Due to priority of the project, the Gas Engineering and Development Company has made financial, manpower and procurement plans in view of the capacities of manufacturers and contractors and since the company enjoys necessary specialized manpower, preparation of tender bid papers and selection of consultant and contractor companies were done rapidly and Takab gas compression station was made operational in about 10 months through an investment of about 480 billion rials. It was commissioned on May 9, 2009.

Specifications of Takab gas compression station:
Project specifications
Project name
Gas compression stations project
Project title
Takab emergency gas compression station
Project goal
To boost received associated gas, to increase gas pressure in Azarbaijan province
Name of province
Location and name of pipeline
244 km from Hamedan – Miyandoab pipeline
Details of contract services
Details of operations
Consultant / contractor
Date of project start
Management consultant (MC)
Farayand Sazan Co.
Detailed design services and engineering and procurement (EP)
Procurement of commodities has been undertaken by Gas Engineering and Development Company
Construction (C) operations
Sima Farashmand
Area of station
9 hectares
Nominal capacity of the station
40 million cu. m./d
Generator power
800 x 2 kw
Power of each turbine under isolated conditions
25 MW
Pressure of incoming gas
715 lb/in
Pressure of outgoing gas
1,065 lb/in

News Code 73

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