News Code: 91

Construction of Parsian refinery

To explain what has been published on page 2 of Sarmayeh newspaper, No. 1024, dated Sunday, May 31, 2009, about Parsian gas refinery, the following facts are hereby mentioned:
Parsian gas refinery is one of the biggest gas refineries in the country which can treat over 80 million cu. m. of gas per day for injection into the 4th trunk line. The refinery is made up of two independent units called Parsian 1 and 2, which have been respectively built by the Gas Engineering and Development Company and the National Iranian Central Oil Company.
Parsian 1 has been built in two phases, 1 and 2, with a total capacity of 43 million cu. m. per day and the capacity of its emergency phase is 5.21 million cubic meters per day, which was finished in September 2003. The second phase has a capacity of 5.21 million cu. m. per day which had only slightly progressed. The project was reactivated in early 2006 and was commissioned in March 2007.
Parsian 2 refinery is now capable of processing 37 million cu. m. of gas per day and was completed in February 2007.
The second phase of Parsian 1 refinery as well as Parsian 2 refinery (with a total capacity of 5.58 million cu. m. a day) has been in use for two years, though it has not been officially inaugurated.
Public Relations Department of Gas Engineering and Development Company

News Code 91

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