News Code: 98

Report and Photos on Mid-Sha’ban Celebrations

On the occasion of the middle of Sha’ban and birthday of Imam of the Time (AS), a celebration was held at 14:30-16:00 on August 8, 2009, which was attended by Mr. Gharavi, deputy managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company, Mr. Gharibi, managing director of the Gas Engineering and Development Company, members of board of directors, directors, staff, and clerics, Mr. Ebrahimi, commander of the gas company Basij force, Mr. Samivand, managing director of the Gas Storage Company at the Building No. 5.

After reading songs to eulogize Prophet Mohammad’s (S) Household by Mr. Alinejad, managing director of the Gas Engineering and Development Company, Mr. Gharibi, addressed the audience on the status and situation of Imam Mahdi (AS) from the viewpoint of the Quran before lauding many years of efforts made by retired personnel of the company. Then an international group singing religious songs performed their program. At the end, 12 retired personnel of the company and a group of other colleagues who had taken part in “Dawn of Humanity” cultural competitions on the life of Imam Mahdi (AS) received their awards.


Public Relations Department of the Gas Engineering and Development Company

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News Code 98

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